Quote API -- Usage

In your JSON request use the following URL:

For basic usage with one quote on return:
For multiple quotes, you can provide a count query with the number of quotes you'd like:
For filtered character quotes, you can provide a character query and part or all of their name:
https://thesimpsonsquoteapi.glitch.me/quotes?character=ho //Would return a quote from Homer or Milhouse
https://thesimpsonsquoteapi.glitch.me/quotes?character=homer simpson //Would return a quote only from Homer
For filtered character and multiple quotes, you can provide a character and num query:
https://thesimpsonsquoteapi.glitch.me/quotes?count=15&character=ho //Would return up to 15 quotes from Homer and Milhouse
The returned JSON data will contain four properties including the quote, the character who said the quote, an image of the character, and the direction in which the character is facing.
   "quote": "Shoplifting is a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark.",
   "character": "Nelson Muntz",
   "image" : "https://cdn.glitch.com/3c3ffadc-3406-4440-bb95-d40ec8fcde72%2FNelsonMuntz.png?1497567511185",
   "characterDirection" : "Left"